Willkommen im Zentrum für Internationale Lichtkunst Unna


James Turrell |Third Breath | Photo: Frank Vinken

A one-off museum needs friends and sponsors

If you would like to support us in ensuring our variety of exhibitions, educational programmes for children and young people, the preservation of the collection, or strengthening our position as a knowledge centre, we look forward to your contribution: Every euro helps and goes directly to the museum.

Please send your desired amount to IBAN DE83 4435 0060 0000 0848 48 and BIC WELADED1UNN and use the form below if you would like to receive the German tax-deduction declaration.

Online request

Contact information

Invoicing information

I understand my data will be processed to fulfil my request. I will be able to access, modify and cancel my data at any time by getting in touch. I accept the legal conditions and privacy policies that apply.

Lindenplatz 1
59423 Unna
Phone: +49 2303 1034567
Mon-Fri from 10h to 14h CET